I should be working but instead I am sitting by the Christmas tree watching Christmas ads and short films that I adore. Bear is beside me as I am still working in the main room until I find time to get an office set up. He is snoring like usual. He was our Christmas puppy last year and he loves the tree as much as me.
I took the boys to the big mall in Kelowna tonight and we walked around but came home with hardly anything. It really is not about stuff anymore. We have very little room in heART house and none of us really want anything special. We bought one gift for Noah and it was under $10 so it looks like our plans to bake and make will be what we stick to.
Back to those films and commercials, my Mom and Dad are Polish and came here as children. I grew up with very Polish grandparents and loved it. It was about food and family and fun despite the men all arguing away often around the table about things I could only make partial sense of with the language barrier. My one Babcia called me Kero not Kerry to the day she died and Noah was Novah. My other Babcia was famous for her baking and never quite mastered the english word cake so I will never forget her calling out: "Who vants cock?" There were so many hilarious words and pronunciations this lovely film made me weep missing them. They came here with nothing and worked so hard and did everything for us growing up. They never pretended to be perfect and they never stopped trying. I come by my loopy nature and stubborn spirit from my Polish roots, I have no doubt about that and I am so grateful for those gifts.
Now I need to stop crying and get back to work but watch this and enjoy...