Well friends, the months of house hunting are over and I have found a little place to move to at the end of August.
It's been quite an adventure and not enjoyable. I even had a rent to own contract and came very close to taking over a 1968 double wide trailer that was in serious disrepair in attempts to find a place to make a home for my boys. It would have been a huge project and got extremely complicated but I tried to make it work. My life coach Jodi then made a very good point about holding onto what I really wanted and how I really wanted to feel in a home and it made me doubt what I was doing but still persisted because I felt stuck. The end of that week after I picked out many of the things to start that reno, the property owner bailed on our contract. I was disappointed and angry about all the time I wasted planning, but that morning when I logged onto the rental site this little home was listed. The trailer was not meant to be.
I called right away as it was the first adorable home I saw for rent so far that was within my budget. It was also in the area I really wanted to be. The area I had been envisioning. Through that week I spent hours everyday looking at other options too until the owner was able to show this one. This week I got to see it and was completely surprised by how perfect it was for me on the inside and suitable for my boys. The landlord was amazing and although it's a 1930's house it is in very good shape.
Of course, because it's a full moon, immediately after the showing my truck wouldn't start yet again. The third time that week, and Ry and I waited for two hours for a tow truck. A gracious friend lent us a car to get home as the truck was no quick fix and that night Ted fell very ill. The next morning he went to the vet and in for emergency surgery right away as he had ingested a bunch of thread and it was serious. Another fellow also had first dibs on the house but I held on to the hope it would work out, and I harassed the landlord a fair bit too in hopes he would pick me.
As the Blue Moon rose in the sky things began to feel alright and settled. The truck was being dealt with and Honda Canada, and a customer service angel named Jane gave me wonderful help and Bannister Honda was efficient and fair. While over at Central Animal Hospital, Ted was operated on and saved from his awful situation and out of pain. Like most I had a really restless sleep under the Blue Moon last night and kept holding on to the hope the little green house could be mine to rent and make home for the boys in. I pictured my furniture in it, them playing, and where I would hang special things, what I might plant in the rock garden or put up the Christmas tree. Everything about it felt right. It isn't fancy or luxurious it is just homey. I can teach art there and ride my bike to the library or for work meetings, it's in town and a fresh start.
Today after getting the truck and the very drugged up cat I headed back to Lumby. I quickly got Ted settled and reunited with his brother, then went on email and was sooooo thrilled to have a note from the landlord offering the place to rent. It is such a huge relief as the fear of homelessness was getting near. Now I get to stop house hunting and have more playtime with the boys while I start packing for the move and also get some really nice time with my sister who is coming with her family for a couple weeks. It has been much too long since I got to snuggle my nephew Chase.
So many of you supported my house hunting journey and sent me good thoughts, thank you. This week cost me a small fortune in unexpected bills but it all ended well, and I am beyond grateful.
Like Robert Nesta Marley (Bob Marley) once said:
"Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy. your search for happiness will never end."