Meditation is not easy for me. For years I have felt like a complete failure at it. I only knew what I saw in films and other zen images of people looking completely at peace. For ten years or so in yoga I fought off to do lists and exciting life plans that crept into my mind as I practised. I looked at bums and admired outfits, wished my legs were longer or my hands weren't so strong and masculine. My brain raced with everything but being present. I was continually bringing my self back with my breath and my flow and felt like I was doing a terrible job. I wasn't, that is what it is all about.
Last winter I fell into a very intensive four week meditation class through Power In Training that changed my life. Now I practice everyday at some point and it can be very informal and is often in bed before or after sleep. When I teach paddleboarding I always end with a guided meditation for my students in savasana pose as I know how the water and taking time to be mindful has helped me heal, even though I have miles to go.
Do not be fooled by the adorable mouse man in this Happify is narrated by Dan Harris, an anchor for ABC News and Nightline and very conservative, scientifically based, yet simple to follow.
If you enjoyed this be sure to watch and learn more from Dan Harris here at Big Think. This is fascinating to me, Hack Your Brain's Default Mode with Mediation
Meditation is also a gift we can give our kiddos. My older boys who are 12 and 16 are not at all interested in it right now. I will wait for them to find it on their own and I am happy to guide them then if they ask. Ryan is only eight and still soaks up what I share so we have been working on it as a life tool to avoid anxiety and feel content.
I pull up guided mediations on my phone at bedtime or walk him through simple ones I make up with things he enjoys to help him settle and fall asleep, especially when he is overtired. Here are a couple that are free he enjoys that you can introduce your children to:
Enjoy friends, share the mouse man video with anyone in your life who makes fun of the stereotypical new age teacher and information on being mindful, it is a wonderful introduction.
I have been dealing with a lot of ambiguity in life right now and nothing is ever more difficult and scary for me. Doubting things and juggling so much, if it were just me it wouldn't be much different but everything I do affects the three little men I made who rely on me. It is catching up and later today, while they are with their Dad, I am so grateful to have an opportunity to spend time with Sandra Detwiller at Valley EsSentials. Essential oils are something I use and believe in passionately and I will be sure to share my experience. I first met her over a year ago in a yoga class that combined essential oil scents with Reiki and it was pure bliss.