Such a fun poster from Etsy that is sadly out of stock. Being a single Mom you can add a schwack more to the list too...I think they need to do another version. As much as I feel defeated at times I wouldn't change a single thing and my boys are my greatest blessing.
They go to be with their Dad for the weekend and I will miss them but I also get to play catch up and have some "me time" which is a divine treat. My house and lawn and work are all needing serious attention and the toothache I have been attempting to wish away needs some dental love. My studio and the lake are calling and it will be a very limited harvest this fall if I don't finish planting the garden.
Every Mom looks different and has completely different circumstances. Children are irrational and unpredictable and as exhausting as that can be it is sooo magical and we have much to learn from them. Try to laugh at the madness and share the Momma love.