"Where I create,
there I am true"
-Rainer Maria Pilker
Last night I dreamed of a photo shoot idea. I have been passing the spot since last summer when I moved. The details captivate me. I see them cropped by the lens of my camera and in high contrast. There is power and peace in them. It's a depressing, rainy day and I was a bit lost of where to start with my to-do list. This place I saw in my dreams is just short bike ride away. I think I need to honor that and make going there my reward for checking off a few menial jobs today.
"Where I create, there I am true" Rainer Maria Pilker
If you are feeling a little lost in life as well, you might find some comfort and inspiration in a newer Pinterest board I have been creating called Synchronicities Love .
Hugs friends, welcome spring & happy weekend!