Ahhh, Danielle LaPorte...she's been a biggie my inspiration department since 2008. The first year of Snicks I had the privilege of working with her in Vancouver and have followed her work since. Style Statement, Firestarter, Spark, White Hot Truth, I am passionate about it all. In 2009 I hosted a Firestarter Session at my place even in Whistler. She has a beautiful power about her and speaks my language...her words resonate deeply within me.
Naming my Core Desire Feelings is what I want and need right now. Inside I know how they feel, I have felt them, they have moved me, but naming them is what I need to help manifest them. I am not able to do that alone, I have tried and tried. Goals, hopes and dreams float around and will pass you by unless you do the work.
Today I am so proud to introduce you to a writer and friend Alana, who finally took the leap and started her blog called My Lucid Life. For years we have talked about it and she expressed an interest and I saw a little spark every time. Over coffee a couple of weeks ago she made a commitment and I could feel her creative energy and excitement as we sat there and had the most amazing conversation.
Well the time was finally right and she has launched and lucky for me she agreed to work with Jodi Scott and write about one of my most beloved mentors. No one I have sent to Jodi has ever been disappointed and I was thrilled for Alana to have that gift. Sharing words from Alana and then Jodi now and I hope to see some of your shining faces at one of Jodi's upcoming Desire Map workshops.
Enjoy friends...
Like a good little yogi, I’ve worked hard to clean the cobwebs out of my psyche, to express the best possible version of myself, to be happy. Yet cobwebs remain in those hard-to-reach places—self-doubt, people-pleasing and a little bit of free-floating worry thrown in for good measure. I read my Pema Chodron, meditate, burn incense like it’s going out of style, and practise yoga every day, but few experiences have knocked me off my feet as swiftly and as profoundly as my recent coaching call with life coach extraordinaire, Jodi Scott.
(keep reading on friends, there is gold to be found up ahead in their words)
Jodi has had first-hand experience in personal transformation. She fled an unhappy marriage several years ago and discovered, with the support of family and friends, how to stand proudly and joyously on her own two feet. She went on to train as a certified Life Coach with Martha Beck (Oprah’s right-hand gal), a Certified Crystalline Consciousness Technique™ (CCT™) Energy Therapist, a Women’s Enterprise Center of British Columbia Mentor, and, most recently, a Danielle LaPorte The Desire Map™ Licensed Facilitator.
The wildly popular Desire Map brand, which has expanded to include hands-on facilitated workshops, fit perfectly into Jodi’s repertoire because it deals with emotion—her passion and specialty. According to Jodi, many of us have become disconnected from our emotions, trudging through our days on auto-pilot, wondering how to feel alive again. Meanwhile, in our subconscious, we’re lugging around a massive suitcase full of blocked emotion that is often the root cause of our suffering and dissatisfaction.
That’s where Jodi comes in. “Let’s dig in,” her kind voice said in my ear, and we did. Boy, did we ever. At first it felt a bit strange for me (a pathological phone-avoider) to be opening my heart and soul to a disembodied voice. But if I was initially somewhat guarded in my responses, it didn’t take long for Jodi’s warm and gentle questioning to lure me out of my shell and into a safe and utterly non-judging embrace.
I tell you—this stuff is not for the faint of heart. Jodi led me through the labyrinth of my subconscious mind and right into the core of an ugly old wound. But you know what? I looked at that wound in the starkest light and, with her guidance, made peace with it. The heaviness in my solar plexus began to loosen, and an image came to mind—a hard sheet of ice breaking up into floes, allowing for movement, shifting, flow. I found myself literally gulping air into my newly expanded chest.
“Now what emotion would you like to fill that space with?” Jodi asked. I chose ease, laughter, and enthusiasm. But rather than waiting for those feelings to fall from the sky and right into my lap, she encouraged me to intend them, to will them into my life.
I intend ease; I intend to let it be easy; I intend more joy and laughter; I intend contentment and presence; I am enthusiasm; I intend to get more out of my moments. And as I have intended, so it is.
And suddenly I got it. We get to decide how we want to feel. And what could possibly matter more than feeling good? Rather than being at the mercy of how others want us to feel, or burdened by undesired emotions we think we can’t control, we can empower ourselves to decide how we want to feel and to make our daily choices accordingly. We may just need a friendly hand to hold along the way.
Since my conversation with Jodi, something has definitely shifted. When I find myself agonizing over my ability to handle a work project? I intend ease. Resenting my toddler’s constant interruptions? I intend contentment and presence. Bored and reaching restlessly for the remote? I intend to get more out of my moments.
And as I have intended, so it is…
*Jodi Scott will be facilitating a Desire Map workshop at Vero Health on March 7th and 8th. Visithttp://jodiscottcoaching.com/desire-map-workshop/ for more details.
ALSO...wondering more? Here is some information from Jodi's blog...
5 Strategies for Creating What You Want
By Jodi Scott
In last Thursday’s FREE CALL How to Manifest Miracles and Make Change (LISTEN TO IT HERE) I talked about how to use the power of your mind and emotions to co-create with the laws of the Universe to connect with and draw into your life the things and experiences you most desire and today I want to give you…
5 Quick and Foolproof Strategies to Using Your Energy to Create Your Desires
In those moments when you forget how powerful you are, when you feel like your life is out of control, hopeless or overwhelming and that you are slipping back into an old pattern you promised yourself you wouldn’t go into again these five strategies will get you back on track, side-stepping the rabbit hole and re-aligning to the energy that is going to connect you to the energy of your dreams, desires and intentions.
Read on friends...this is good stuff!
Strategy #1
Remind Yourself That the Conditions of your Outside World DO NOT Get to Determine the Conditions of Your Inside World – we have been conditioned to believe that the situations and circumstances of our life get to determine how we feel and this leaves us REACTING to life instead of CREATING our life (same letters very different results!) Instead of feeling like a pinball that is constantly reacting to situations recognize that it is always you who gets to decide how you want to feel, the situation or the circumstance does not decide that – you do.
Strategy #2
Create Your Own Personal Mantra – that you can believe in and that affirms your experience of the love, money, health, career and all that you desire. In those moments of back sliding or in the middle of the night when you wake with stressful thoughts, your personal mantra will calm you, bring you back to feeling centered and assured and staying in faith and trust – which we learned from the call is essential to creating the life you desire. An example of a mantra you could use or emulate is:
All is well.
Divine prosperity and abundance are attracted to my every action.
I am safe. I am loved. I am blessed and I am grateful.
Only good lies ahead of me.
Delete Old Programming – Your brain contains programmed thoughts and beliefs that do not serve you and you will recognize them because a) they are habitual – meaning you think them a lot! b) no good ever comes from them c) you get a little hit from thinking these thoughts but then immediately feel depleted. When you recognize this happening immediately say to yourself (and the Universe)Delete! Delete! And over time you will begin deleting these old repetitive thoughts from your mind because in order for the neural pathway in your brain that carries that thought to exist it needs to be fired – meaning you need to keep thinking the thought. Once you are no longer thinking that thought and repetitively firing that neuron the neural pathway will atrophy and it will no longer be so easy and habitual to think that old thought anymore.
Strategy #4
Stay INTENTIONAL Rather than Positive – I do not like to say “Stay positive.” I would much rather recommend you “Stay intentional” because there are moments in life when we are legitimately going to feel genuine grief or sadness and trying to boot-strap ourselves up by telling ourselves to “Stay positive” is simply dishonoring our genuine emotion. “Staying intentional” keeps you honoring yourself and your genuine emotion with the intention of how you intend to feel – maybe in this moment you intend to feel your grief and later on after honoring your grief you intend to feel at peace. “Staying intentional” is another way to remember you always get to determine how you feel.
Strategy #5
Practice Brazen Gratitude – Nothing opens up the channel and connects you to your desires better than gratitude – Brazen Gratitude is my preference – and it is a high octane, high vibration emotion that will light you up, skyrocket your energetic vibration and connect you to even more good and great to be grateful about.
The DESIRE MAP Weekend Workshop is coming up March 7th & 8th…are you in?
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