Lego absolutely had it right in the 70's, this is what was included and I love it.
This isn't my first post called LEGO love...I wrote a similar one in July 2013 simply called LEGO love with the most adorable old advertisement.
We had a Lego weekend...the huge collection was dumped... it is still all over the stairs as we made spots for all different things and every little man has his hands and all his parts on and Ry played quietly for hours and hours. I will leave it for today too and we tread carefully for any Lego loving house knows nothing hurts more than stepping on Lego with a barefoot.
Having three children I am sooo grateful for the joy of Lego and it will always be my gift of choice for kiddos besides books.
The latest LEGO creations by Nutkin and a jar or minifigures with all their parts.
Check out my Lego Love Pinterest board for more...
It's a world full of tech and our kiddos imaginations are sufferring in the name of ipads and iphones and crazy games...teach them the beauty of real free play as long as you can.
More LEGO goodness from past Snicks adventures here...
DIY Lego Party Cheap & Mellow Style
Another LEGO birthday I photographed