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« creamy coconut & quinoa pudding.... | Main | »

May 07, 2013


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LaRee Goddu-Finnsson

The story is called. . .The call of a Loon . . .Best decision I ever made. . . to follow my heart. On a moonlit canoe ride, I uttered the words that changed my life, and as soon as I did, I knew I had opened up my heart, and although the journey was incredibly difficult at times, it was also very liberating. I can honestly say, it was the life changing moment, that defined my life path from then on. Do I struggle to go back to that heart connection on a regular basis, yes, I do. However, I have been there, done that, and truly. . . it was worth the ride!

kerry macLeod

Wow, thanks LaRee, that is a beautiful story and so inspiring!


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